How Far in Advance Should You Order a Personalized Gift?

When it comes to ordering a gift for your special someone, there are guidelines on when you should order the gift. If you know that a special day is coming up, you need to make sure there is enough time in between when you order it and when it is shipped to ensure that it is delivered on time.
One of the biggest problems that arises when it comes to purchasing gifts for someone else that doesn’t live near you is that they do not arrive on time. While the person will still appreciate the gift and thought, it can be quite embarrassing to have to tell them that their gift is on the way and that it will arrive sometime soon.
To help prevent the embarrassing situation, you should order the gift at least two weeks in advance. If you have the option to purchase special shipping such as express or overnight, you can do this, but it often costs a hefty amount, sometimes as much as $50 for shipping alone. By ordering with enough time, you are able to allow the gift to arrive on time.
Another thing to consider is that some companies do not allow you to choose a different shipping method and the company only uses standard shipping, which can sometimes take up to 10 days. Then, you will need to add warehouse fulfillment time onto there as well which can be as much as two or three days. This would leave you with the two-week estimate, but remember that warehouses do not typically fulfill orders on weekends and the post office does not always ship on the weekend.
If you plan on having an item engraved, you will want to make sure that you choose a long enough timeframe such as four to six weeks. Typically, the website will tell you how long the process is and you can estimate from there, but a safe estimate is between four and six weeks.
When you do order a gift for someone, make sure you send it straight to their address to ensure that the personalized gift gets there on time. Do not waste time in transit by sending it to yourself first. If for some reason there is something wrong with the gift, the recipient can let you know and it can be mailed back to the company.

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